Table des matières


Switch Utiles

ccleaner.exe /EXPORT
ccleaner.exe /AUTO
mbam.exe /fullscanauto
/debug: allows you to collect information to send as a bug report.
/developer: this command line parameter is explained in the false positives section.
/minimized: allows you to start the program minimized.
/quickscan: allows you to run a quick scan.
/quickscanterminate: allows you to run a quick scan. Program terminates if no items found.
/fullscan: allows you to run a full scan.
/fullscanterminate: allows you to run a full scan. Program terminates if no items found.
/runupdate: allows you to update the program without displaying result dialogs.
/register: allows you to register the program without displaying main dialog.
/fullauto: allows you to run a full scan silently.
/register YOURPRODUCTKEY : register your product
/updateshowdialog: allows you to update the program displaying all dialogs.
/schedule HOUR: allows you to schedule an update and scan for a specific hour. Scan will happen 5 minutes after update.
rk.ex -autoaccepteula -autoscan -autodelete


Installation Silencieuse


Extensions :

 Pour le moment extraire le xpi souhaité dans le dossier :
  <programs>\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions\{xpi-id}

Une fois extrait, l'id de l'xpi peut être trouvé dans le fichier install entre les les première balises <em:id>

reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /d "C:\Pictures\picture1.jpg" /F
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v TileWallpaper /d "1" /F
RUNDLL32.EXE USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters ,1 ,True
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f && explorer
wget --user-agent='Mozilla (Windows)' url

les majuscules et parenthèses sont nécessaires, les numéros de version facultatifs.