===== Nettoyage ===== ==== Switch Utiles ==== * CCleaner : ccleaner.exe /EXPORT ccleaner.exe /AUTO * mbam mbam.exe /fullscanauto /debug: allows you to collect information to send as a bug report. /developer: this command line parameter is explained in the false positives section. /minimized: allows you to start the program minimized. /quickscan: allows you to run a quick scan. /quickscanterminate: allows you to run a quick scan. Program terminates if no items found. /fullscan: allows you to run a full scan. /fullscanterminate: allows you to run a full scan. Program terminates if no items found. /runupdate: allows you to update the program without displaying result dialogs. /register: allows you to register the program without displaying main dialog. /fullauto: allows you to run a full scan silently. /register YOURPRODUCTKEY : register your product /updateshowdialog: allows you to update the program displaying all dialogs. /schedule HOUR: allows you to schedule an update and scan for a specific hour. Scan will happen 5 minutes after update. * rk rk.ex -autoaccepteula -autoscan -autodelete src * [[http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/command-line-parametershttp://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/advanced-usage/command-line-parameters|4ccleaner]] * [[http://www.technibble.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5763|4malwarebytes]] * [[http://tigzyrk.blogspot.fr/2012/10/fr-roguekiller-tutoriel-officiel.html|4roguekiller]] ===== Installation Silencieuse ===== === Firefox === * https://wiki.mozilla.org/Deployment:Deploying_Firefox * [[https://wiki.mozilla.org/Installer:Command_Line_Arguments|Command line Arguments]] Extensions : Pour le moment extraire le xpi souhaité dans le dossier : \Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions\{xpi-id} Une fois extrait, l'id de l'xpi peut être trouvé dans le fichier install entre les les première balises * http://mike.kaply.com/2012/02/09/integrating-add-ons-into-firefox/ * http://mike.kaply.com/2013/05/13/more-major-changes-coming-in-firefox-21/ * http://mike.kaply.com/2013/04/24/major-changes-coming-in-firefox-21/ ---- * Installations silencieuses * http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unattended/wiki/Scripts * Fond d'écran (idées ) * http://superuser.com/questions/442185/how-do-i-change-wallpaper-real-time-regedit-commands * http://superuser.com/questions/277805/how-do-i-set-the-desktop-background-on-windows-from-a-script * http://www.geekpedia.com/tutorial209_Setting-and-Retrieving-the-Desktop-Wallpaper.html * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/97142/fr * http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/23025/How-to-create-an-automatic-Wallpaper-Changer-with * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3331682/change-wallpaper-programmatically-using-c-and-windows-api * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724947%28v=vs.85%29.aspx * http://basic4gl.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=misc&action=print&thread=2538 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IjTVLSpqUQ * Forcer mise à jour base de registre, 2 solutions (à vérifier si la première marche sur 64bits): reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /d "C:\Pictures\picture1.jpg" /F reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v TileWallpaper /d "1" /F RUNDLL32.EXE USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters ,1 ,True taskkill /im explorer.exe /f && explorer * [[http://wiki.desclicks.net/var/ressources/scripts/desactivatexp.bat|Désactivation services XP]] * "wget en ligne de commande windows" * http://superuser.com/questions/59465/is-it-possible-to-download-using-the-windows-command-line * http://superuser.com/questions/129269/download-a-file-via-http-from-a-script-in-windows * Modifier le user-agent pour permettre le téléchargement de certaines pages wget --user-agent='Mozilla (Windows)' url les majuscules et parenthèses sont nécessaires, les numéros de version facultatifs. * [[Python|python.org]] * cx_Freeze [http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/] : Permet de générer un exécutable windows à partir d'un script python, du coup pas besoin d'installer python. Marche avec les 2.X et 3.X, plus multiplateformes. * A tester pour recuperer numeros de versions des logiciels. [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1264472/using-the-pefile-py-to-get-file-exe-version] * Utilitaires permettant de faire des scripts "Visuellement" ou moins ( Pour automatiser procédure de pre-nettoyage ) * http://www.sikuli.org/download.html * http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/